Monday, August 8, 2011

I'm Here

First off, I’m sorry I haven’t written in a while. But I’m here, and I’ll try to keep up on my blog regularly!

July 12, 2011. A Tuesday, 2:00pm. I am casually driving home from a hair appointment. I honestly don’t remember anything from that day, except walking into Wal-Mart with Teresa and buying vitamins. I dropped Teresa off at her house and made my way back to my house. I made it within one mile of my house. Unfortunately, I struck a tree that almost took my life. I was in bad shape and needed to be Medevaced to trauma at MCV hospital. I had severe internal bleeding(my brain and spleen). The doctors told my family that they didn’t know if I would even wake up or if I would have brain impairment, and they also expected me to be in the hospital for two months.

But sure enough, I woke up the next day and I was able to leave the hospital in two weeks. My days were filled with therapies and visitors that came to share their love with me. I’ve heard silly stories of what I was like when I was waking up, but I honestly just can’t remember any of it. Apparently the first few days, I thought I was in Texarkana, Arkansas (where my grandparents live) and I went to Rockville High School (which in fact, I go to Deep Run High School).But hey, at least I was alive and could speak!

Now that it’s a few weeks after the accident, I am slowly but surely improving each and every day. Most of my days are filled with doctor appointments and sitting on the couch taking it easy. And I actually have therapy three times a week, so that takes up some of my time. Now that I am car-less and license-less, I pretty much can’t do anything because I live extremely far from civilization and no one really wants to give me rides. However, at least I’ve got parents and siblings that are (sometimes) willing to drive me places. I still have short-term and long-term memory problems, but nothing therapy won’t help. My stamina is hardly as good as it used to be. My left shoulder is still out of joint, which does hurt, but the only thing that’ll fix it is surgery or time. I chose the time option, ‘cause I don’t want to be cooped up in a hospital bed any longer.

New note: I’m seventeen and I just totaled my first car, um that sucks. Before the accident, I had looked so down upon those sixteen/seventeen year olds that total their cars. And now I’m one of those. It’s actually a bit embarrassing. I sometimes wish I could remember what had happened, because I just want an explanation, I want to know if it was my fault, I want to know what caused me to swerve into that tree. But no one has those answers and that’s okay, so I’ll just wonder about the accident for the rest my life. People say it’s good that I don’t remember, but I still want to.

Final note: I am blessed to have so many people that love me. I am blessed for all the prayers that have been said. I am blessed to be here. I am blessed to be alive.


  1. OLIVIA!!!! I am so glad that you are in my life chica. I love you!!

  2. Hey Olivia! I know you don't remember me visiting you at the hospital but I was there! Hopefully, I will get to see you before I leave for OSU. Keep feeling better!

  3. I'm a random person who was praying for you in Texas. (I weirdly sort of halfway know Nicole Unice through an odd story and an appointment from Jesus.) It's super exciting to hear your own words as you talk about what happened! Hope it's not too weird/creepy for strangers to be reading this, but so glad to see how things have worked out so far!

  4. I, too, have been praying for you...a random who knows Nicole Unice. :) This is amazing and God will continue to bless you and your faithfulness to Him. Hang in there!
    Molly Childress
