Monday, August 13, 2012

Nashville Got The Best Of Me… Now Time For College

            Spending the weekend with the greatest women I know, Stacie and Nicole, was THE best way to end my summer. I’m not sure where I’d be without these ladies! And I must say, Nashville was a BLAST. From line dancing to hookah to Hard Rock Café to 10-hour car rides, we made some unforgettable memories. We toured MercyMinistries, we drank lots of coffee, we went to Crosspoint Church, and most importantly we had way too much fun.

            And… Nashville got the best of me. I came home with a country song stuck in my head… and country music used to be something I abhorred. And also… believe it or not… I bought a pair of cowboy boots! It’s shocking. But surprisingly I like them, and I’ll wear them (I think).

So... now that that’s over and I move into CNU in 6 days, summer is over. The uncertainty of it all is scary and I’m nervous but still excited, mostly scared and nervous though. I doubt my ability to do well and I doubt my strength to succeed in this world. But I find comfort in knowing that the other 1000+ freshmen are in the exact same boat as me. All I can do is stay positive and keep on truckin’… Nashville DID get the best of me.


  1. just so you know, if you need any help with ANYTHING over your next few years at CNU just let me know - I was in your shoes last year & having someone to ask about future plans and everything most definitely helped!
